MIST has opened admissions for September, 2018 with a special attractive and unique package for foreign students. For the coming admissions, foreign students will pay the following very low fees:
2017/2018 Fees 2018/2019 Fees
US $ US $
Civil Engineering 3,000 3,000
Business Administration 2,000 3,000
(Options: Marketing, Accounting,
Human Resource Management and Banking and financing)
Hostel accommodation on MIST campus is at US $250 per semester For Female students ONLY. This will be allocated on request by the student and strictly on first-come first-served basis. Priority will be given to female students who wish to stay on campus.
To qualify for admission to any of the engineering programmes, candidates must have credit passes at the Senior High (or its equivalent) or the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary and Advanced) level in core English, Mathematics, Integrated Science/ Social Studies and the following elective subjects: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Candidates who wish to be admitted to programmes (Accounting, Banking and Finance, Marketing and Human Resource Management) in the School of Business and Technology, must have credit passes in core English, Mathematics, Social Studies/ Integrated Science and any other elective subjects at the Senior High School (or its equivalent) or the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary and Advanced) level.
The National Accreditation Board (NAB) will determine the status and veracity or otherwise of certificates accompanying all foreign applications.
MIST will facilitate the acquisition of visas to Ghana and resident permits for all students offered admission to programmes at the Institute.